[UPDATE: I’ve got Big Brass Alliance logos available now. You can snag one with a white background
here and one with a black background
here. And of course feel free to nick the tan background one in my righthand menubar, too. Pam has also kindly set up a unique page at Big Brass Blog for the Big Brass Alliance. Link the logo
here. I’m not able to update that page at this point, and Pam’s got an insanely busy weekend, so if you don’t see your blog there yet, don’t worry—it will get updated. The most current list can still be found on the post below. Email me with any questions.]
We are now up to
109 110 members of the Big Brass Alliance. The response has been amazing!
I’ve been contacted by After Downing Street with some information about what we can all do to help, which I will send out soon. Please make sure if you want to be on the list, you’re there—I want to make sure I didn’t miss anyone. And it’s never too late to join, so keep those comments and emails coming! (Preferably email, so I don’t have to keep going hunting through sites for emails to add to the mailing list.)
Thank you, everyone. I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening…
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