The Bolton Saga Continues

Once again, Barbara Boxer proves she’s got a serious set of brass ones:
Democrats in the US Senate have made a fresh bid to derail the appointment of John Bolton, the embattled White House pick for UN ambassador, after a Senate panel declined to back him ahead of a floor vote.

Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer "put a hold on the nomination" of Bolton as US ambassador to the United Nations, her spokeswoman Natalie Ravitz said without indicating how the process could be delayed.

The move is intended to either force further negotiations or ultimately to prevent his nomination from reaching the Senate floor.


Democrats promised they would continue to fight tooth and nail against the nomination as it moves to the chamber.

"If this comes to the floor, we're going to have a fight," Senator Barbara Boxer said during the committee meeting.
Love Boxer. Love her!

At this point, any president who had the best interests of the country in mind would withdraw his nomination of Bolton, explain that he was too controversial a figure, and that too much of our legislators’ time was being spent on this confirmation. But of course Bush would rather tie up the entirety of the Senate indefinitely rather than concede he had made a bad choice.

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