Vanity Fair magazine said on Tuesday that Mark Felt, a former FBI official, had revealed himself to be "Deep Throat," the legendary source who leaked Watergate scandal secrets to the Washington Post and brought down President Richard Nixon.Don’t know if it’s true, as there doesn’t seem yet to be any confirmation from Woodward and Bernstein, but it’s interesting nonetheless.
Unmasking the identity of "Deep Throat," a key source for Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, would solve one of the greatest political and journalistic mysteries of recent history.
The magazine said Felt, now a retiree living in Santa Rosa, California, had admitted his role in the scandal to his family and had cooperated with the story. It is the first time a major potential source has claimed to be "Deep Throat."
Deep Throat Revealed?
As The All Spin Zone, reporting on the Downing Street Memo, notes, “The Watergate scandal started life as a third rate burglary, worthy of no more than a couple of sentences in the Washington Post,” so it is particularly timely, what with all the writing being down on the Downing Street Memo today (round-ups here and here), that a key Watergate figure, the informant known as Deep Throat, should allegedly reveal himself:
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