Let's see ~ Newsweek publishes a story about desecration of the Qu'ran and The Sun publishes pics of Saddam in his tighty wighties. Our president excoriates Newsweek for causing a deadly riot. But he doesn't believe that some pictures inspire murderers.Hmmm indeed.
Now what seems to be the only difference between The Sun and Newsweek? Rupert Murdoch owns The Sun and WaPo owns Newsweek.
You know, for a long time, I would have been satisfied if the media had pointed out the inconsistencies in the president’s positions; after awhile, I wasn’t prepared to settle for anything less than a snarky comment on what could be politely described as cognitive dissonance; at this point, if they don’t start calling this guy out for the opportunist and bald-faced fucking liar that he is, I consider it no less than treasonous. This man, his entire whack administration, and the out-of-control GOP-controlled Congress are further sullying our already dubious international reputation, endangering our soldiers, tanking our economy, destroying our social safety net, trashing the environment, undermining our democracy, and in every other conceivable way hurting this country, and a media that refuses to tell the truth is complicit in our collective ruination. Damn them all for their cowardice.
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