This is not a good deal for the U.S. Senate or for the American people. Democrats should have stood together firmly against the bullying tactics of the Republican leadership abusing their power as they control both houses of Congress and the White House. Confirming unacceptable judicial nominations is simply a green light for the Bush administration to send more nominees who lack the judicial temperament or record to serve in these lifetime positions. I value the many traditions of the Senate, including the tradition of bipartisanship to forge consensus. I do not, however, value threatening to disregard an important Senate tradition, like occasional unlimited debate, when necessary. I respect all my colleagues very much who thought to end this playground squabble over judges, but I am disappointed in this deal.Feingold seems to be playing the Dean Angle (see: 2004 anti-war candidate), otherwise known as the Angry Liberal Angle, less commonly known as the Reasonable Yet Uncompromising Angle, and known only by me as My Angle.
In all seriousness, however, being reasonable yet uncompromising is exactly what the Democratic Party needs, and if Feingold’s going to be the one to step in and be the guy to clearly but passionately state the positions as eloquently as he did above, then maybe he can overcome the problems with his personal life that would inevitably cause him problems in a presidential race. If nothing else, straight-talking like that will be good for the other candidates—just like Dean was the last time around.
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