* Call the key Senators and ask them to vote against the nuclear option.
* Use WorkingForChange.com’s email generator.
* Sign MoveOn.org’s petition.
* Check out People For the American Way’s Action Center for more ideas.
Right now, the Dems claim to have 49 votes against the nuclear option. Paul Kane notes in Roll Call:
With 44 Democrats and the lone Independent, Sen. Jim Jeffords (Vt.), in Reid’s corner, he needs to peel away six Republicans to preserve the minority’s right to filibuster judicial nominations. So far, just three GOP Senators — Lincoln Chafee (R.I.), John McCain (Ariz.) and Olympia Snowe (Maine) — have publicly opposed the maneuver.Come on, come on, come on! There have to be at least three more reasonable men or women left in the GOP! Warner? Hagel? Specter? Bueller? Bueller?
Call them and plead with them. Appeal to the tiny shred of decency they may have left.
Or email them. Just do something, please.
More on the imminent battle here.
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