[Moving this back to the top because I have to apologize for being a total knob-end.]
Couple of additions to the Media section today—that’s where you’ll find stuff like The New York Times, Salon, The Huffington Post, etc. And I’ve added the following to the blogroll: The Reality Stick, Tild, Just a Bump in the Beltway, SistersTalk, Freiheit und Wissen, Pensito Review, The Power Liberal, and Arch Pundit, on whom I depend to keep posting information on Chicago’s Drinking Liberally…and one day I might actually get my butt there. (Are there any Shakers who attend Drinking Liberally in Chicago?)
Go check ’em out!
[Note: I originally attributed the line about Drinking Liberally to The Power Liberal, who is not located in Chicago. What happened was that I had Arch Pundit on the list to be added today, who happened to fall at the end of the list. I took AP off when I thought the list was too long, to save for next Friday, but failed to edit out the last bit about depending on AP for Chicago’s Drinking Liberally info, thereby attributing to The Power Liberal what I meant to attribute to Arch Pundit. I’m an ass. I’m sorry, Rew. That said, Arch Pundit has also been added to the blogroll…this week.]
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