Good Riddance to Bad Reverend

The North Carolina preacher who allegedly excommunicated nine members of his church because they refused to vote for Bush has resigned.
Congregants of the 100-member church have said that Mr. Chandler endorsed Mr. Bush from the pulpit during last year's presidential campaign and said that anyone who planned to vote for the Democratic nominee, Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, needed to "repent or resign."

The church members said that he continued to preach about politics after Mr. Bush won re-election, culminating in a church gathering last week in which the nine members said they were ousted.


Mr. Chandler's resignation, at a meeting open only to members of the congregation, came a day after a national group that lobbies for church-state separation urged the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the tax-exempt status of the church.
At one time, most churches may have been deserving of tax exempt status, since they generally weren’t for-profit institutions and often bore the primary responsibility for serving the needy in the community, but times have changed. Now, we have churches that serve as political outposts and meeting centers for “Justice Sunday” broadcasts, and mega-churches that cost millions to build and operate, complete with gift shops.

I’m just not sure a joint like that needs to be exempt from paying taxes.

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