Wow, this story is just amazing. PBS is basically being destroyed by Republicans:
Last November, members of the Association of Public Television Stations met in Baltimore along with officials from the corporation and PBS. [Board Chairman Kenneth Y. Tomlinson] told them they should make sure their programming better reflected the Republican mandate.

Mr. Tomlinson said that his comment was in jest and that he couldn't imagine how remarks at "a fun occasion" were taken the wrong way. Others, though, were not amused.

"I was in that room," said Ms. Mitchell. "I was surprised by the comment. I thought it was inappropriate."
I can’t even begin to imagine how such a comment could be construed as a joke, but whatever. It’s the least of Tomlinson’s sins when it comes to pushing his agenda at PBS.

The story itself is more of the same, where it treats the conventional wisdom of liberal bias at PBS as truth, and if you accept that assessment, then you might not find Tomlinson’s actions terribly objectionable—he’s just trying to find a balance, that’s all. But the content of PBS isn’t liberal, in that it pushes a liberal agenda. Masterpiece Theater and reruns of Are You Being Served? and dry news series on immigration and organic farming might well appeal more to liberals for one reason or another, but to suggest that PBS is hostile to the conservative movement is disingenuous. Reporting that Tom DeLay is facing censure for ethics violations isn’t indicative of a liberal bias; it’s simply reporting important news which isn’t favorable toward the GOP (how radical), and if the GOP doesn’t want that kind of reporting done, the solution isn’t to replace a ‘Bill Moyers’ with a ‘Bill O’Reilly,’ but to stop filling their ranks with corrupt, duplicitous turds.

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