Grab yer ankles, America

...because the "Real ID" passed.

Call me paranoid, and I've said this before, but we're inches away from tattooed barcodes.

Yeah, Yeah, I know... it's to fight terrorism. Well, bullshit. It's making our police force and millitary into the SS. How is "show me your "Real ID" different than "Papers, please," when you get down to brass tacks?

I love "Real ID," too. I'm amazed they didn't call it "iId," what with that iPod being so trendy with the kids these days.

Only three Republicans had the brass ones to vote against it; from what I can tell, no Democrats voted "Yea."

So much for privacy.

(Via Bob. Cross-posted from my blog.)

UPDATE: There's still time. The chances are slim, but hey, if we make enough noise...

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