…by Camera Obscura, so off I go:
Three names you go by (that won't give away your identity): Well, my identity isn’t much of a secret, so I’m not too worried. Mr. Shakes calls me Liss, my mom calls me Lissa, and my friend Cecil calls me Mellie.
Three screen names you've had: The screen name I had when Mr. Shakes and I met online was Sarcasticunt. You’ve got to give me credit for truth in advertising! Other than that, I usually just use my real name.
Three physical things you like about yourself: My eyes are pretty good, I’m told. I like my hands—they’re old lady hands; they’ve always been wrinkled and kind of strange, but unique, and my sister and nephew have the same hands. I have a chip in one of my teeth of which I’m rather fond as well.
Three physical things you don't like about yourself: Even though there are plenty of things not to like (like being overweight or being short), I can’t really say that I’m especially bothered by any of my physical shortcomings. Maybe I should be, but whatever—I am who I am, and I’ve got other things to worry about!
Three parts of your heritage: Scottish, Irish, Norwegian.
Three things you are wearing right now: Wedding band, trousers, sweater.
Three favorite bands / musical artists: Morrissey, David Bowie, Ben Folds.
Three favorite songs: Shakespeare’s Sister by The Smiths, There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths, Rubber Ring by The Smiths (Do you detect a theme?)
Three things you want in a relationship: Love, humor, happiness.
Three physical things about the preferred sex that appeals to you: Depends on whom I’m looking at, as each person has his or her own interesting features. Mr. Shakes: eyes (especially the lines around his eyes when he smiles), the freckles on his hands and arms (millions of them!), the way his top lip rests against his teeth (I can’t explain it; it just does it for me).
Three of your favorite hobbies: Reading, writing, films.
Three things you want to do really badly right now: Take a vacation, vote Bush out of office, and take another vacation.
Three things that scare you: Dominionism, the fragility of life, trusting someone new.
Three of your everyday essentials: Nicotine, caffeine, blogging.
Three careers you have considered / are considering: When I was a kid, I wanted to be the world’s foremost bat expert. When I was in high school, I wanted to be a journalist. In college, I decided to be a professor, then chucked it and sold out to corporate America instead.
Three places you want to go on vacation: Britain (because I have friends there that I miss), Florence (because Mr. Shakes says it’s beautiful), and Mexico (because I have friends there who opened a bed and breakfast, and I’d really love to see it).
Three kids' names you like: Henry, Harrison, Catriona.
Three things you want to do before you die: Read every book that’s on “the list,” see every film that’s on “the list,” and discover the secret to immortality.
Three ways you are stereotypically a boy: I like kung fu movies, I’m a terrible housekeeper, I’m an excellent parallel parker.
Three ways you are stereotypically a girl: I could spend insane amounts of money on shoes, I cry at movies, I’m a great cook.
Three celeb crushes: Colin Firth, George Clooney, Chow Yun Fat.
Three people to play next: The Green Knight, Maurinsky, and Erinberry.
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