Keep him on his bike and out of trouble

And for chrissakes, make him wear a helmet.

Karl at Virtual Pus (eew) has a great post on the Bush/grenade scare. In case you haven't heard, the grenade was not a dud, and could have gone off, killing Dear Leader.

As Karl goes into, I think this would have been a horrible thing. Okay, as much as I hate him, I don't want Bush to be killed. I don't wish death on anyone. But if he had been killed (like Karl, I don't think Bush is deserving of the term "assassination," even if he is a "double ass." Ha!), the Republican Radicals would be basically handed a blank check to pass whatever crazy law they wished. I seriously believe we would become a police state.

Progressives: You may think killing Bush might stop the evil. It won't. It will only make the Republican Radicals more powerful. As Karl says:

In the spirit of the new Star Wars movie that is coming out, I will have to make a Star Wars reference. As Obi Wan Kenobi once said: “Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you could ever imagine”. I would hate to see Bush become some kind of martyr for American imperialism and evangelical christian politicalism. And that’s what would happen if some kind of leftwing foreign nut blew him up.

Bush is the worst, most dangerous president in the history of our country, and that is exactly how he should go down in history. He does not deserve to be a martyr. Don't feed the "Bush=Second Coming" machine any more fuel.

(Cross-posting is your best Blog value)

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