Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

…in an effort to recruit new bodies to replace the tens of thousands already lost to the War on Terra through death or injury. And Dave Wagner, of WLWT in Cincinnati doesn’t like it:

Wagner: "But as Target 5 discovered, those military pitches can turn from fact to fiction in a matter of seconds. Target 5 sent four young men, with hidden cameras, into every Tri-state armed forces recruiting center. The conversations began with talk of job security."

Recruiter: "We guarantee you a job."

Wagner: "Signing bonuses."

Recruiter: "Up to $20,000."

Wagner: "And cash for college."

Recruiter: "Up to $70,000 for college."

Wagner: "But when the questions turn to safety, some Tri-state recruiters make Iraq sound more like a trip to Tahiti than a journey to war."

Recruiter: "You have more chance of dying here in the United States at, what is it, 36-percent die, kill rate here in the United States, people here just dying left and right, you have more chance of dying over here than you do over there."

Wagner: "The U.S. does not have a 36-percent kill rate. If that were true, more than 100 million people, one-third of the U.S. population, would be killed each year."


Wagner: "And if that recruiter thinks Columbia, S.C., listen to what this GI Joe Isuzu says about the danger of driving around Dayton, Ohio."

Recruiter: "Dayton area alone, which is about four or five counties, Dayton area alone, 1,500 people died in two weeks. You know what that was from? Car wrecks. Those numbers that we get, we get from the actual highway patrol. So, I mean, all that stuff's factual. So, you look at that way. We've lost 1,500 soldiers so far over in Iraq. We've been over there for three years. If you add it together, 1,500 people died in five counties alone within two weeks, just from car wrecks."

Wagner: "The truth is, there aren't 1,500 deaths from car wrecks in the entire state of Ohio for an entire year."

I would say, “I can’t believe this crap!” but, of course, I can.

Isn't this criminal? These recruiters need to be thrown in jail. If depraved indifference to the very real possibility of losing one's life at the business end of a suicide bomb isn't illegal, it should be.

Kudos to Wagner for calling them on their horseshit. Although, I hope he knows that he’ll never go anywhere with reporting skills like this. The major networks don’t want anything to do with your “facts” and your “honesty,” Mr. Wagner!

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