More on Jim West

JJ continues his coverage at Big Brass Blog of the increasingly bizarre and disturbing scandal surrounding the disgraced mayor of Spokane, Jim West. Some snippets:
All I have to say is DUUUHHH, lets put it into perspective… A 54 year old CEO of a company hires a cute 23 year old blond to a key position knowing that the blonds claim to fame and only experience is making balloon animals.


I did some checking into Ryan Oelrich’s Quest youth group and discovered that the primary donors to Quest are older men who were solicited by Ryan to contribute to the group. According to a member of Quest, who wishes to remain anonymous, the group only allows white straight acting gays as its members.
And from a new article that alleges West groped and pulled down boys’ pants at a Boy Scout camp:
West did not return telephone calls seeking comment about allegations that he pulled down the swimming trunks and pants of boys, some of them as young as 8, at a Scout camp on Diamond Lake. Those allegations have come from family members and friends of some of the alleged victims.
Also, Pam has more about another allegation that West made an “inappropriate” comment to a state senator about her son:
''West told me, 'I want to do to your son what no mother would want to know,''' Roach said the former senator told her. Roach said she told fellow Republican Sen. Ann Anderson about the encounter at the time, but Anderson, a friend of West, told the newspaper she recalled that West told Roach: ''Pam, you have a nice-looking young son.''
This guy is seriously gross. Imagine saying that to anyone about their kid?! Eugh! I’ve seriously just about had it with these closeted Republican freakazoids and their unsuccessful attempts at repressing their mutated sexualities. If any more of these nutjobs get exposed (no pun intended), I think we’ll be pretty safe in making a case for automatically arresting any elected Republican who strenuously objects to gay rights and/or reproductive rights. At the very least, we should be able to secure a search warrant on those grounds. A brief exploration of any of their computers would likely produce enough distressing pornography to make Caligula blush. Weirdos.

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