Typing this for the third time. I think my computer is scared of me now; I've been yelling at it all morning.
- Bush's approval rating is in the toilet. He's never been this low (to my knowledge, no president has), and he's dropping all the time. Congress is having the same problems; they've seen the warning signs, and they're reacting appropriately. This is a political hot potato, and unfortunately for Bush, he's got no one left to throw it to. I think this Bill approval shows that the majority of Americans want to go ahead with SCR, regardless of what Bush might say in his ridiculous speeches. When that many Republicans vote against you, you'd better re-think your strategy, especially when you're so unpopular. (Thanks to Oliver Willis for the link)
- If we don't participate in SCR, the Koreans win. I'm being flippant, but this is how these people think. I'm willing to bet that your average ya-hooin' Bush supporter would hate knowing that Korea will be considered the country leading the world in medical breakthroughs. President Cowboy won't be able to handle "We're #2."
- Rove won't let him. He knows better than anyone the lies and distortions behind Republican talking points. And he also knows that any blow against Bush is a blow against the future Republican presidential candidate. All of Bush's hand-holders have to realize that Bush won't be able to wiggle his way out of this one easily; a veto would look very bad for the lame duck.
- Connected to "plunging popularity," Bush is skating on very thin ice right now when it comes to scandal. The last thing he wants is more attention drawn to him by angered opponents. There's still a little matter of a not-so-secret-anymore memo that could cause quite a bit of trouble, indeed. Impeachment is a word you're starting to hear a lot more lately. (And speaking of which, what the hell does a guy have to do to get impeached in this country? Oh, right, get a hummer.)
-As Mister Shakes said in comments, there is a ton of potential money in SCR. Big Pharm holds quite a bit more power than a bunch of bible thumping loonies.
I think I had one or two other points, but they're lost in blogger and out of my grey matter now. You get the idea. Please feel free to comment, and add anything that I may have forgotten.
I'm about to click "publish post." It will wind up on my blog, if my computer knows what's good for it.
(I come from a cross-post down unda...)
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