I’m very sorry you are utterly devoid of a self-control mechanism, and that access to abortion, birth control, booze, drugs, cigarettes, violent and/or sexually explicit television shows, books, music, and movies, and that the legalization of sex acts or relationships you find offensive to your delicate sensibilities, mean that you will be unavoidably compelled to use, watch, read, listen to, imbibe, and otherwise engage in or with all of the above.
However, that you have no self-control is, quite frankly, your fucking problem. The rest of us who have self-control would appreciate it if you would attend to your own futile struggles against “debauchery and deviance” in some other way besides trying to impose controls on the population at large. You see, we have self-control, and have the ability to engage in or with the above in moderation, avoid them completely, or immerse ourselves quite happily without feelings of guilt, angst, or self-hatred.
Get with the program or fuck off.
Shakespeare’s Sister
Via Pam posting at Big Brass Blog:
A new website is up and running, providing a valuable service to families and business travelers who don't want to stay in hotels that offer in-room pornography. The website has been in the works for four years -- and now, CleanHotels.com is a reality. Phil Burress of the Cincinnati-based Citizens for Community Values came up with the idea because he felt there needed to be a resource for people to book a hotel room and be assured there would be no pornography on the room's television. "So rather than just curse the darkness and just keep complaining about this, we decided to launch into an opportunity to offer people a new way of dealing with this problem," Burress explains. "About four years ago, we birthed the idea of CleanHotels.com, and we surveyed 43,000 hotels across America. We identified the hotels that do not offer in-room, hard-core, pay-per-view pornography." Burress says by using the website, not only can families be assured they will not be exposed to pornography, but they will be supporting companies that care enough about their customers to not offer pay-per-view porn.(Link.)
Pam asks, “Can they just not order the porn?” Apparently not.
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