You know something? I don't want to hear one more goddamned thing about Clinton's blowjob. Not until these Republicans can manage to keep from raping their wives, cruising websites for sex, and engaging in pedophilia.No shit. Not to mention having sex with farm animals, attempting to coerce their wives into exhibitionism in sex clubs, advertising their services as male escorts on the internets, having illegitimate children, and sexually harassing female coworkers, among others.
And you know what else? Here are some other things I don’t want to hear one more goddamned thing about, either:
Any negative reference to any consensual sex between two adults, married or not, of the same sex or opposite
Criminalizing any legal method of terminating a pregnancy or punishing any federally funded agency that performs, refers, educates about, or utters the word abortion
Banning or refusing to fill the prescription for any legal drug used to prevent pregnancy
Refusing to teach children proper sex education, including contraceptive options
Any further claim that the GOP is the party of moral values
Please feel free to contribute the things you don’t want to hear one more goddamned thing about in comments.
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