When a judge interprets a state or the federal Constitution in a way that annoys the Right, he or she is, as we are all painfully aware, automatically damned as a
liberal activist judge, even if all evidence (such as being an admitted Republican) points to the contrary. So what exactly do you call a judge
like this?
A Kentucky judge has been offering some drug and alcohol offenders the option of attending worship services instead of going to jail or rehab — a practice some say violates the separation of church and state.
District Judge Michael Caperton, 50, a devout Christian, said his goal is to "help people and their families."
"I don't think there's a church-state issue, because it's not mandatory and I say worship services instead of church," he said.
Does that mean that if the offenders decide to go worship the female form at a local strip club, it would count? Because I can’t think of any other place that offers worship services besides religious institutions, also known as
places of worship.
David Friedman, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky, said the option raises "serious constitutional problems."
"The judge is saying that those willing to go to worship services can avoid jail in the same way that those who decline to go cannot," Friedman said. "That strays from government neutrality towards religion."
Huh. Ya think?
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