Go read Frank Rich on the history of the anti-gay movement and why claims that it’s about fighting the legalization of gay marriage, as opposed to hating homosexuals, are a sham. Great stuff.
Also, the Dems are working on possible changes to the primary calendar. I hope they can get it together and make some reasonable, logical changes, because as Tina Abbott of the Michigan Democratic Party notes, “Under the current system, millions of votes in later states count for nothing.” At this point, the Dems aren’t proving themselves vociferous or effective advocates for making sure votes get counted in general elections; if they can’t even make the necessary adjustments to ensure the value of votes in their own nominating process, there’s little hope of significant voter reform on a national scale, either. Give us something to hope for, Dems.
And check out this obnoxious story about men being pulled over for “driving while gay.” I honestly can’t believe what’s happening in this fucking country.
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