The U.S. military is on the offensive in the War on Terror to prevent terrorists from reaching America's shores, President Bush said Friday, adding that 20 years from now, historians will look back on the Iraq war as "America's golden moment." (Link; emphasis mine.)Eh, I wouldn’t bet the ranch on that one just yet, bonzo. Unless your latest budget includes a line item to replace all historians with realistic pre-programmed cyborgs, the real, flesh-and-blood types are likely to mitigate any possible success you might yet eke out of the invasion with the mendacity that betrayed the trust of Congress and the American people to get us into this war, not to mention the entire picture book of detainee abuse that reads like a Where’s Waldo? in which the hard-to-find little geek in glasses has been replaced with an even harder-to-find prisoner who isn’t getting brutalized and/or humiliated.
Moment of a great shame, maybe. Golden moment? Not so much.
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Eh, I wouldn’t bet the ranch on that one just yet, bonzo. Unless your latest budget includes a line item to replace all historians with realistic pre-programmed cyborgs, the real, flesh-and-blood types are likely to mitigate any possible success you might yet eke out of the invasion with the mendacity that betrayed the trust of Congress and the American people to get us into this war, not to mention the entire picture book of detainee abuse that reads like a Where’s Waldo? in which the hard-to-find little geek in glasses has been replaced with an even harder-to-find prisoner who isn’t getting brutalized and/or comments powered by Disqus