Bob Harris has a post up today, with phone numbers, for people in "swing states" (i.e., with undecided representitives). RI, ME, OH, SC, NE, AZ, AK, OR, PA, and VA, this means you. Click over, get the number, and give your rep a call.
I've been calling my senators and bitching a lot lately. It actually feels pretty good. Of course, I'm talking to some phone jockey and not, say, Barack Obama, but at least I get a small sense of accomplishment during the day.
And that's a good thing.
UPDATE: As Shakes pointed out, I should have said that this is about the filibuster, not Bolton. Sorry! I am filled with shame. I'm sure Bolton is relieved that at least one thing isn't focused on him right now. Ha!
(Viva El CrossPosto!)
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