L.G.: Why can't I make my own decision?Frankly, it sounds like the only one who knows what the hell they’re talking about is the girl who supposedly can’t make her own decisions. Brave girl.
Judge Alvarez: I don't know.
L.G.: You don't know? Aren't you the judge?
* * *
Department of Children and Family Services: The Department of Children and Families has the custodial responsibility to do what is in the best interest of the child.
L.G.: I think if I want to make the decision, it's my business and I can do that. It would make no sense to have the baby. I don't think I should have the baby because I'm 13, I'm in a shelter and I can't get a job. DCF would take the baby anyway [but] if I do have it, I'm not going to let them take it.
* * *
L.G.: Since you guys are supposedly here for the best interest of me, then wouldn't you all look at that fact that it'd be more dangerous for me to have the baby than to have an abortion?
Judge Alvarez: A good point.
OBGYN: At her age and at her stage of gestation ... her risk of death from an abortion procedure is about 1 in 34,000. The risk of death in pregnancy is about 1 in 10,000.
* * *
Judge Alvarez (paraphrase): Who is the father?
L.G.: That's not really necessary.
Tough Girl
You’ve probably heard about the 13-year-old Florida girl who’s being denied an abortion, with the state stepping in because she’s a minor. Well, Bitch PhD points out, it may be time for a lot of people to “re-think that idea that women—including 13-year old girls in foster care—can't be trusted to think through the realities of abortion on their own.”
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