During the last election, the "Sex and the City" vote was all the rage, with both Dems and the GOP trying their best to woo single women. (Remember W is for Women?) During the run-up to the election, BusinessWeek Online noted:
They're America's 46 million unmarried women -- a group that ranges from never-marrieds just out of college to single mothers, middle-aged divorcĂ©es, and widows. Despite their differences, these women have two things in common: deep economic insecurity and a tendency to turn out for Democrats when they vote -- by a 30-percentage-point margin in some polls.Just a thought, but perhaps a bigger part of the reason Democrats can’t win elections is because they, and a certain contingent of Dem bloggers, continue to show contempt for women.
The prospect of shaping Sideline Singles into a voting bloc has liberal activist groups in a lather. After all, says Democratic pollster Anna Greenberg of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, if unmarried women had voted in the same proportions as their wedded sisters in 2000, some 6 million more voters would have gone to the polls -- and most would have punched the chad for Al Gore…
"One of the reasons we keep hearing for not voting is 'politicians don't listen to people like me,"' says NOW President Kim Gandy. "But if we get enough of this demographic to vote, politicians will have to listen. It's about achieving critical mass."
Especially the ones who suggest they ought to stop.
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