Molly Ringwald said she's in discussions to make a sequel to Sixteen Candles, the 1984 movie about the obstacles and embarrassments a teen girl faces on her birthday.No, it’s just so, so wrong. I haven’t been so annoyed by the suggestion of a sequel since Scorsese and DeNiro were babbling about a follow-up to Taxi Driver. Just leave well enough alone, you dipshits!
The John Hughes film shot Ringwald to teen stardom but she has not appeared in a major role in many years. She said she's been appearing in theater, small TV and film parts and raising a daughter, now 1 1/2 .
Ringwald, 37, said she had been approached repeatedly about doing a sequel but recently read a script that she liked and wanted to star in the movie.
"I've turned it down for years. I couldn't see how it would work," she said Saturday. "Now, it seems right."
Don’t Do It, Molly!
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