DSM Updates


C-SPAN has committed to carrying the U.S. House Judiciary Democrats hearings tomorrow on C-SPAN 3. They will be carried LIVE.

For those who don't receive C-SPAN 3 on their local cable system, the video and/or audio from the hearings should be carried via the Internets right here.

The hearings will also be carried live on Pacifica Radio and via Radio Left.

Yesterday, TrueMajority.org, another very large citizens activist organization, joined in sending Petitions to its members to collect signatures for John Conyers Letter to Bush, to be delivered bu Conyers himself after tomorrow's hearing. TrueMajority.org joins MoveOn.org who last week collected some 500,000 signatures in 48 hours or so.

As well, the hearings have now been rescheduled to 2:30pm, and have been moved from the DNC offices -- where they had previously been scheduled, when Republicans would not allow a hearing room for the Democrats -- back to a room in the Capitol Building.

Crooks and Liars: Rep. John Conyers gives an excellent interview om teh DSM. CNN provides some of it's more balanced reporting. See the video here.

Media Contacts:

Network and Cable Television

National Radio Programs

National Newspapers


News Services/Wires

In addition to FAIR’s wire list:

Gannet News Service
Chuck Raasch, Political Writer
P: (202) 906-8127
F: (202) 906-8200
1100 New York Avenue NW
Suite 200E
Washington, DC 20005

United Press International
Peter Roff, Sr. Political Analyst
P: (202) 898-8000
F: (202) 898-8048
1510 H Street, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005

Also, be sure to check out the list of alternative newsweeklies (where you may well find people more receptive to requests for coverage of the DSM hearings)

(Thanks to Catherine at PovertyBarn and Pat at Canadian Perspective for their input.)

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