El Floppo

No, that's not a clown name.

Private Accounts Not in Social Security Bill

Gee, if I had a cocktail right now, I'd raise it in salute.

WASHINGTON - With the acquiescence of their leaders, key House Republicans are drafting Social Security legislation stripped of President Bush's proposed personal accounts financed with payroll taxes and lacking provisions aimed at assuring long-term solvency.

And yet another one of the Lame Duck's pet projects bites the dust.

Either way, the emerging legislation marked the latest blow to Bush, who has said repeatedly he intended to spend the political capital gained in last fall's re-election to win fundamental changes in Social Security. The president has traveled to more than two dozen states since last winter trying to build support. Polls have shown his recommendations generate insufficient popularity to galvanize Republican lawmakers to action.

Instead, with Democrats unified in opposition and threatening to use the issue in the 2006 elections, GOP leaders have been reluctant to act.


Apart from Bennett, Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., is crafting legislation along the lines of the bill being prepared in the House.

In an interview, DeMint said the measure was designed to mark the first step on a longer road toward transforming Social Security, a recognition that Congress isn't ready to enact everything the president wants.

He, too, indicated the bill was designed to outflank Democrats.

"The party of 'no' will have a hard time saying 'no' to saving Social Security," he said.

It doesn't need to be saved, asshole. The Democrats are the ones that are protecting social security. Sour Grapes.

Go read the whole thing. We still have to keep a close eye on this, but we should consider this a victory against more Bush shenannigans. Well done, everyone.

Update: A side note... does anyone know how much Bush spent on his little whistle-stop tour to put lipstick on his doomed private accounts pig?

More Update: Pam has more, plus some pretty amusing freeper quotes. Here's my favorite:

"Is it just me, or does it feel like the Democrats are in charge?"

You might want to get used to that feeling, Spanky.

(If you want my cross-post, and you think I'm sexy...)

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