Friday Night Name That Movie

Okay, we did this once before, and it was lots of fun, so here’s the latest installment of Name That Movie.

1. I am quite the town freak, which satisfies.

2. Opportunity will move out of the way to let a man pass it by.

3. Murray, lend me twenty dollars or I'll call your wife and tell her you're in Central Park wearing a dress.

4. For us to live any other way was nuts. To us, those goody-good people who worked shitty jobs for bum paychecks, and took the subway to work every day, and worried about their bills, were dead. I mean they were suckers. They had no balls.

5. Right now I have one key, you know? Everything I own is in the car, and I just... I like that; you know? I mean, I just… If I get an apartment, that's two keys; if I get a job, you know, I might have to open or close, that's more keys...

6. How do you explain school to a higher intelligence?

7. If the good Lord had intended us to walk he wouldn't have invented roller-skates.

8. Don't you see the rest of the country looks upon New York like we're left-wing, communist, Jewish, homosexual pornographers? I think of us that way sometimes and I live here.

9. You probably can't wait to run and cash this check and get yourself something to eat.

10. Hey, hey—shh, shh, shh. Come on. Be sensitive to the fact that other people are not comfortable talking about emotional disturbances.

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