From the Friday Night Newshole (Again)

I trust that Dick Durbin will be receiving a much-deserved and heartfelt apology:

Washington has for the first time acknowledged to the United Nations that prisoners have been tortured at US detention centres in Guantanamo Bay, as well as Afghanistan and Iraq, a UN source said.

The acknowledgement was made in a report submitted to the UN Committee against Torture, said a member of the ten-person panel, speaking on on condition of anonymity.


Four UN human rights experts on Thursday slammed the United States for stalling on a request to allow visits to terrorism suspects held at the Guantanamo Bay naval base, and said they planned to carry out an indirect probe of conditions there.
Huh. But see, what I’ve been reading on conservative blogs is that there’s obviously no torture happening at Gitmo, the proof being that the US lets people in to visit whenever they want. Gee, does that mean conservatives might have been wrong about what’s been going on at Gitmo? Yikes, what a shocker!

"[Washington] said it was a question of isolated cases, that there was nothing systematic and that the guilty were in the process of being punished."

The US report said that those involved were low-ranking members of the military and that their acts were not approved by their superiors, the member added.
More isolated cases, eh? Nothing systemic, you say. It’s simply amazing, so coincidental as to be completely unbelievable, in its quite literal sense. Anyone who steadfastly insists on remaining an apologist for the administration at this point is either manifestly stupid, delusional, or a thoroughly disingenuous ass who will parrot lies without compunction. We’ve got a real problem, folks, and we can either stare it in its ugly face and take it on honestly, or we can continue to pretend like what we’re doing is somehow different from the historical analogies we stubbornly resist simply because we’re Americans.

Read The Heretik on this issue here.

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