Give it a Rest Already

And by “it,” I mean Bill Clinton’s cock. Heck, even Bubba himself gives it a little R&R now and then.

Justin Cognito:
Why do conservative writers rage at Bill Clinton anymore? Specifically, why do they rage at Bill Clinton's dick? Ann Coulter seems fascinated with it, probably because it's even bigger than her own. And anything touched by it is considered rotten; even though Hillary seems to be moving more towards the center, even slightly to the right, she's still a target of constant vitriol.

Now comes the allegation- by which I mean, "complete bullshit lie"- that Chelsea was the product of spousal rape. So continues the rage against Clinton's evil, evil phallus. At least it never lied to us about war.
I don’t understand it, either. I’m sure I hate George Bush at least as much as they hate Clinton, and I swear to the fates, once that mofo’s out of office, I never want to think about him (or any of his body parts) again!

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