Well, the listserv Pam set up turned into a free-for-all, and we got lots of complains about too many emails, so it has now been turned off.
From now on, instead of sending important information by email, I will be posting to the Big Brass Alliance Forum set up by Pam, to whom we owe a great deal of thanks.
There is a read-only thread in the Forum called "Alliance News," to which Pam and I will be posting information of interest to all alliance members. The other threads will be open for an exchange of ideas, but if all you want is the latest updates, just check the "Alliance News" thread.
Many, many thanks to Pam. My sincerest apologies to those who were deluged with email. It's unfortunate that we will no longer be able to communicate quite as directly, but hopefully the forum will serve to facilitate effective communication which can be accessed at each member's convenience.
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