Not only is Bush getting
more and more unpopular by the day, but, according to his math, we’ve also now got a mandate that he ought to be kicked the heck out of office—
because a higher percentage of people than voted for him disapprove of how he’s handling his job.Overall, more than half -- 52 percent -- disapprove of how Bush is handling his job, the highest of his presidency.
Again, I ask—what has become obvious to those who have changed their minds that somehow
wasn’t obvious before the friggin’ election?! Argh. Anyway…in other bad news for the pres:
Nearly three-quarters of Americans say the number of casualties in Iraq is unacceptable, while two-thirds say the U.S. military there is bogged down and nearly six in 10 say the war was not worth fighting -- in all three cases matching or exceeding the highest levels of pessimism yet recorded. More than four in 10 believe the U.S. presence in Iraq is becoming analogous to the experience in Vietnam.
Perhaps most ominous for President Bush, 52 percent said war in Iraq has not contributed to the long-term security of the United States, while 47 percent said it has. It was the first time a majority of Americans disagreed with the central notion Bush has offered to build support for war: that the fight there will make Americans safer from terrorists at home. In late 2003, 62 percent thought the Iraq war aided U.S. security, and three months ago 52 percent thought so.
The Green Knight says we ought to get used to repeating “Bush Is Not a Popular President.” I agree. I’m going to say it as often as possible from now on—and with poll numbers like these, I think I’ll have lots of opportunity to do so.
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