Then call or email Ford and give them your support. Here is part of their official policy on diversity and inclusion:
Diversity embodies all the differences that make us unique individuals. Not limited to physical aspects of race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation, it includes culture, religion, education, experience, opinions, beliefs, language, nationality and more.
At Ford Motor Company we recognize that diversity is not only a reality of our global nature, it’s a distinct advantage, and one that we value and embrace. We also know that we can only leverage the benefits of diversity by understanding and respecting the differences among all employees. (More at Pam's)
As stated at Americablog,
THIS is what we were trying to tell Microsoft. These pigs aren't attacking you because you endorse pro-gay legislation. They're attacking you, and will continue to attack you, until you revoke your pro-gay INTERNAL policies and until you actively discriminate against gay and lesbian employees.
These are hate groups, they know one thing: hate. They exist for one thing: hate. They will not stop attacking you until you become as bigoted and hateful as they.
My point: Microsoft, you did the right thing, not just because it's the right thing, but because these sick pseudo-religious fucks wouldn't have left you alone until you fired every single gay employee.
Indeed. Make no mistake about it; these people would bring back concentration camps if they were able.
When corporations as large as Microsoft and Ford have the courage to tell the Radical Religious Right to go fuck themselves, other corporations will follow suit. But they won't do it unless they know we're behind them.
Take five minutes out of your day and let them know you appreciate their progressive policies.
(What's it all about... Cross-Post?)
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