WASHINGTON - A White House official said Friday the administration finds it "somewhat puzzling" that Democrats are demanding presidential adviser Karl Rove's apology or resignation for implying that liberals are soft on terrorism.
"I think Karl was very specific, very accurate, in who he was pointing out," communications director Dan Bartlett said, contending the comments weren't aimed at all Democrats. "It's touched a chord with these Democrats. I'm not sure why."
I'm just simply flabbergasted!
Jesus, what a dick.
Notice the mocking language they're using. "Somewhat puzzling." "I'm not sure why." My god, what children.
Make no mistake; this is another tactic to piss us off. This "My Goodness!" attitude is all an act. They are openly mocking us, trying to make us angry again, and hoping we'll start trumpeting for more apologies.
Don't fall for it.
What Rove said is over and done with. Yes, it was incredibly offensive. But as they've shown time and again, the Radical Republicans will NEVER apologize for anything. Ever. It was futile for us to even suggest it. As has been stated on other blogs, we should have used his comments against him, and we should have openly mocked him. But... no use crying over spilled milk.
However, we cannot allow these ridiculous attempts to provoke us to... well, provoke us. They are trying to divert our attention elsewhere so we take our eyes off the brass ring.
Hmmm... what in the world could possibly be coming up that they'd want us looking the other way?
President Bush is using the first anniversary of Iraq's sovereignty to try to ease Americans' doubts about the mission and outline a winning strategy for a violent conflict that has cost the lives of more than 1,740 U.S. troops and has no end in sight.
In a prime-time address from Fort Bragg, N.C., home of the Army's elite 82nd Airborne Division, Bush was to argue that there is no need to change course in Iraq despite the upsetting images produced by daily insurgent attacks.
He could do this from the White House, of course, but it will be so much more convincing if he uses
Iraq is in shambles, more proof about the Bush Administration's lies continues to appear, and they are running scared. The last thing they want is a strong Democratic party watching every move they make.
Let it go. We don't need apologies from the likes of them.
Update: I like Paperwight's ideas.
(The cross-post is blue, and there's nothing I can do.)
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