Right about now, I suspect the folks at the White House are pretty nervous about the Downing Street Memo.So there’s our question of the day. Which Republican is going to give the movement in pursuit of a formal inquiry its legitimacy…and shame all but the most shameless members of the GOP into turning their back on King George, remembering, finally, that they are not his subjects, but protectors of our state, entrusted by a public who needs them to now be more loyal to America than to its faltering president.
Yes, it's a culmination of things, partially. It's the Conyers' hearing. It's the steady drumbeat of press coverage. It's the possibility (probability?) of more documents being released in Britain.
But you have to think that Rove, Bush, McClellan have a growing, gnawing fear that somebody in Washington, somebody in Congress, somebody Republican, is going to say in public what the White House fears most in their game to run the clock out on DSM:
"There should be a Congressional Investigation into the Downing Street documents and the runup to the Iraq War."
Because once that happens, the political game clock will be turned off, and the national history clock will begin.
It's not a matter of when. It's a matter of who. What Republican in today's Congress will be guaranteed a prominent spot in history? The Bush Administration has to wonder.
Who’s it going to be?
(I’m thinking Chris Shays seems the likely candidate. Which is ironic, considering Liebertwat—also from CT—is less likely to say it than Shays.)
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