Question of the Day

I keep trying to write something either vaguely intelligent or sufficiently snarky about Santorum’s latest douchebaggery, but I’m feeling uninspired, so instead, I’ll just steal from the always clever John at Blogenlust:
CapitolBuzz points out that Rick Santorum, in a recent op ed for Catholic Online, suggests that the Catholic Church's priest sex scandal can be blamed on the city of Boston.

Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.


To those keeping score at home, please add this to the list of things that are liberals' fault:

1) This Administration's failure to plan for post war Iraq
2) The Iraqi Insurgency
3) 9/11
4) Hundreds of priests not being able to keep their dicks in their pants.
We shouldn’t forget the complete collapse of the family, either, because of our belief in women’s equality, reproductive choice, and gay rights. You know what they say: Moral decay begins with tolerance!

For what else are liberals to blame that ought to be added to the list?

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