Nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh declared that the Democratic Party's plan to make Election Day a national holiday, outlined by Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean at the June 2 "Take Back America" conference, won't "help them that much" because "[m]ost of their voters don't work anyway."Fuck you, turdbucket.
From the June 2 edition of The Rush Limbaugh Show:
LIMBAUGH: The two to three big opportunities so far mentioned by Howard Dean -- pension portability and changes to election laws. ... So portability of pensions. What's the second one? Oh, yeah, Election Day a holiday. And well, you know -- I don't know why they need to do that. Most of their voters don't work anyway, so I don't know how that's going to help them that much. At least in a percentage basis.
(The Green Knight has a slightly more eloquent commentary here.)
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