Sean Hannity: Pathetic 8-Year Old

God, this is awesome. Jebus bless Crooks & Liars.

We need more Democrats like Charlie Rangel getting on shows like H&C and poking them full of holes. He didn't back off, he had some great points, and even Colmes managed to get in some DSM comments.

Of course, rather than offer any debate or facts, Hannity cuts off Rangel just as they cut to commercial (his favorite tactic), claiming everything he said was a conspiracy theory, and "maybe next time we'll get facts." What a miserable little man he is. Sorry Sean, but your snide comments did nothing to deflate the message that Rangel (and even Colmes!) got across. You lose, wanker.

Is it just me, or does Hannity look tired? I think even he is getting sick of the dung dropping out of his mouth on a daily basis... how long can one man do this kind of thing before he cracks? He doesn't even try to debate anymore, he just sneaks in the last word.

Look at him as the clip starts. That's the face of a beaten man.

(Girls just want to cross-post...)

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