Step Two: Repeat
Freiheit und Wissen (emphasis mine):
Last Friday Republican House Judiciary Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner shut off the microphones of Democrats during a hearing for the Patriot Act. Sensenbrenner then picked up the gavel and stormed out of the room. This sudden move was directed in particular at Representative John Conyers who wanted to call the Chair of the Board of Amnesty International to testify.How far, exactly, does the GOP need to go before someone, anyone, besides a bunch of liberal bloggers says, “Hold on just a fucking minute,” and calls these unbelievable pricks on their relentless abuses of power?
Now today a report has surfaced that Sensenbrenner has denied Conyers space on the Hill in which to conduct the hearings for the Downing Street memo on Thursday – hearings that the After Downing Street Campaign has been waiting for with bated breath. Indeed, it seems that Conyers has been forced to move the hearings off site, to the DNC.
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