There's been a lot of talk of various schisms of one kind or another lately, one of which has manifested itself in concern among members of the Big Brass Alliance that some of the bigger bloggers haven't come on board with us, which was disheartening for many people. I received an email tonight that I wanted to share (with permission), because it's just the opposite of divisive...and because it's just fucking classy:
Ezra's referring to this. And he never had to say a word about it again, but he did. And I think that's pretty cool.You were right and I was wrong about the memos. Maybe they will break through, and at any rate, they should. Sometimes the coldly political side of me takes over, and, sadly, it doesn't always result in the best judgment. In any case -- you're doing wonderful work and the right thing, I shouldn't have dismissed the issue.
-- Ezra Klein
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