The whole time I was listening to those hearings, I was struck by the fact that none of it was news to me; in fact, if I’m to be totally accurate, the thought that was going through my mind was, This sounds like a night out on the beers with Mr. Shakes, Mr. Furious, and Mr. Curious. The rehashing of all the information that has led me to completely drive myself mental trying to organize some kind of information dissemination coalition was boring as hell, to be frank. And yet it was exciting to think that this wasn’t a night out on the beers with a couple of frustrated and politically impotent folks, lamenting how few people would have known anything about that which we were discussion; this was a congressional hearing, and it may well be just the beginning of something big.
I thought about my name on Conyers’ petition, and about the 487 bloggers who have come together in support of driving this issue into the public consciousness, and I thought about how important it was that there are people in our Congress who will still fight for what’s right. And that was really cool.
John Bonifaz was outstanding; as I mentioned in my notes during the hearing, he was outstanding at staying on message—always bringing it back to the memos and what they illustrate. His constant reiteration of the fact that this is a Constitutional crisis was great.
In general, I was thrilled with how it all played out. Now we just need to help push it to the next level.
I have a few ideas for follow-up actions, which I will be emailing this evening as soon as they make their way out of my head and onto a page. Stay tuned…
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