6 questions were asked about Saddam Hussein's underwear photo at the May 20, 2005 White House Press Briefing.Go read the rest.
109 questions were asked (at the May 11, 2005 White House press briefing) about the plane incident in which a Cessna came within 10 miles of the White House. One intrepid reporter wanted to know whether there was a bathroom in the secure place that White House spokesman Scott McClellan was taken.
[S]ince May 1, 2005, when this story was broken in the UK, the White House Press has asked a sum total of two (2) questions about this issue at White House Press Briefings and Press Gaggles. Yes, that's the actual word used by the White House to describe officially what are, presumably, a step down from a Briefing. A gaggle is defined as a flock of geese -- how fitting. Notice how when geese get together they all sound the same?
The Useless Press (Part 9,832 in a Series)
Stephen of Orwell's Grave has been paying attention to how much interest the press has shown in the Downing Street Memo:
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