Pinko Feminist Hellcat does! And she takes on Mr. Balloon’s newest load of crap (this time directed at Amanda) to prove it.
So does BlondeSense Liz! And Shamanic! And Kathy Flake!
Meanwhile, in a spectacular piece of intellectual dishonesty, Gilliard’s taking me on, too, if you’re interested in reading yet another version of the argument against Shakespeare’s Straw Sister—you know, the one who’s masking her agenda of wanting Kos to take down the ad, which I have never said. If my point was about wanting Kos to take down the ad, I would have said, “Kos ought to take down the ad.” I don’t mince words. Maybe if the people who like to set me up as Generic Straw Feminist #12 to make their asinine little arguments actually read my blog regularly, they’d know that. Because regular Shakers sure as shit know that I roll balls-out, baby.
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