As I posted last week, the "anniversary" of the meeting at #10 Downing Street that gave birth to the Downing Street Memo is coming up this Saturday, July 23rd.
(It's a precocious little kid... gets into a lot of sticky situations. But with some love and attention, I think it can grow up to be a real troublemaker.)
There are several events going on to mark the occasion; take a look at the post if you need a reminder.
With the Rove Carnival 'o Fun, the Supreme Court Nominee from Mattel, and the second attack in London, there's a lot going on in the news right now. The Memo has been pushed to the end of the line... not forgotten, but definitely edging towards the lip of the memory hole.
I'm calling upon all Big Brass Alliance members and other bloggers to please mark tomorrow, Friday the 22nd as the day you will write at least one post on the Downing Street Memo. Enough outcry has landed Rove's fat & sweaty tuckus in the hotseat; the same can be done with the DSM.
If it weren't for us, the DSM story could have conceivably died once it came out. It was our constant noise that made the comatose MSM sit up and take notice. We did it before, we can do it again.
Blogging the DSM on Saturday is, of course, just fine... but the possibility of it vanishing into the ether during the weekend is very high. Let's make Friday our day to remind everyone about the Downing Street Memo.
Besides, those "Inside the Blogs" people really need the help.
(She blinded me with Cross-Posts...)
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