Leaks are just springing up all over the place these days.
BBC News reports that a document called “Options for Future UK Force Posture in Iraq” and marked “Secret: UK Eyes Only,” has been leaked to The Mail, discussing not only the reduction of British troops, but also of American troops in Iraq, including the US’ wishes to hand over control of 14 of Iraq’s 18 provinces to Iraqi forces by early 2006, with a note that the Pentagon and US commanders in Iraq are divided over the plans.
SimianBrain’s got an excellent comprehensive post on this here.
And the hits just keep on coming…
BBC News reports that a document called “Options for Future UK Force Posture in Iraq” and marked “Secret: UK Eyes Only,” has been leaked to The Mail, discussing not only the reduction of British troops, but also of American troops in Iraq, including the US’ wishes to hand over control of 14 of Iraq’s 18 provinces to Iraqi forces by early 2006, with a note that the Pentagon and US commanders in Iraq are divided over the plans.
SimianBrain’s got an excellent comprehensive post on this here.
And the hits just keep on coming…
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