Easy Rider

What an idiot:
President Bush collided with a local police officer and fell during a bike ride on the grounds of the Gleneagles golf resort while attending a meeting of world leaders Wednesday.

Bush suffered "mild to moderate" scrapes on his hands and arms that required bandages by the White House physician, said White House spokesman Scott McClellan. The accident occurred on asphalt, McClellan said, but Bush was wearing a helmet at the time.

The police officer was taken to a local hospital as a precaution, McClellan said. Police said the officer suffered a "very minor" ankle injury.

It was raining lightly at the time.


The presidential bike suffered some damage, McClellan said, so Bush rode back to the hotel in a Secret Service vehicle.

The fall did not affect the president's schedule. Dressed in a tuxedo, he attended a dinner hosted by Queen Elizabeth at the annual Group of Eight economic summit. He showed no signs of distress.
Okay, seriously. What’s wrong with this guy? He sure has a lot of accidents.

Mr. Shakes spent hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours mountain biking in the Highlands, and in all that time, he took one bad tumble. Bush can’t even pedal around a golf resort without a near-death experience.

Keep him away from the shortbread while he’s there—it’s at least as dangerous as pretzels!

(And by the way...the presidential bike?! Come on.)

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