Fact-esque. Seriously, what took me so long?
Library Bitch. Get your bitch on!
Seething in the Wilderness. Jeri Smith-Ready’s political blog. The blog linked by her name is her writing blog (and will remain on the blogroll; check it out if you haven’t yet).
Fuming Mucker. Come on—how can you not dig this?
The Vitriolic Monkey. The name alone warrants a place on the blogroll, but if that doesn’t convince ya, check out this post.
The Disenchanted Forest. Again, what was with the delay? I’m useless.
Spontaneous Arising. Michael is consistently good, and he should probably beat me senseless with his very intimidating and sincerely cool beard for not adding him sooner.
First Draft. Go read anything. It’s all good.
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