I’ll start with the three group blogs I mentioned the other day: Our Word, Cosmic Variance, and The UnCapitalist Journal.
From there, we head off to Blue Meme, which is both smart and funny, like most of the blogs on my blogroll, each in its own unique and wonderful way.
Next stop: A Brooklyn Bridge, which is yet another blog that I should have added long ago. (I’m sorry for the delay, Glen.)
Then onto The Curmudgeonly Crab, who offers commentary, essaylets, sacred cow tipping, miscellany and eclectia from a bleeding heart crustacean.
And finally, Driftglass, whose rants will have you in stitches, unless you’re an uptight asshole.
Tell me who else I’m forgetting, overlooking, should check out, etc. in comments. I’m always happy for recommendations, and don’t be shy about promoting yourself.
(Always remember, Shakespeare’s Sister is the Official Home of the Encouraged Blogwhore!)
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