Funny Stuff

Via Gordon at Alternate Brain, a rant from Maddox about blogging. It doesn’t matter how much you love blogging; this is totally hilarious. I used to read this site years ago, and forgot all about it. There’s tons of funny shit there, although don’t bother if you’re easily offended (not that anyone who is easily offended is likely to be hanging around here); he’s like The Rude Pundit on steroids.

This reminded me of another of my favorite funny sites, Dean and Nigel Blend In. They’re two English guys who carry around a bag of costume props and snap photos of each other next to unsuspecting people with whom they conspire to “blend in.” The pictures themselves are hilarious, but the captions are enough to end you with laughter. Again, not for those who are easily offended (although I should note, the distinctive British sense of humor left most of the people in these photos highly amused and pleased at their pseudo-celebrity when the site became hugely popular a few years ago).

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