Happy Birthday, Downing Street Memo!

Now blow out the candles and make a wish.

I hadn't realized that the "anniversary" of the Downing Street Meeting was approaching, but next Saturday, July 23rd, marks the date. With all the Rove Brou-ha-ha going on, it's very easy to forget that this particular Sword of Damocles is still dangling over the collective heads of knuckle that make up the Bush administration.

I received a Nation e-mail detailing a bunch of upcoming "DSM events" that I thought you all should know about.

Next Saturday, July 23, is the three-year anniversary of the meeting at #10 Downing Street in London, England, that was recorded in the now infamous minutes known as the "Downing Street Memo." Suggesting that the Bush Administration was intent on going to war with Iraq with or without intelligence on Saddam's WMD, the memo has given new impetus (and vindication) to antiwar critics of the invasion.

To highlight these disclosures, there are more than 150 events, dramatic performances, house parties and study circles planned coast to coast next week. In New York City, The Nation and Democrats.Com are teaming up to present a public forum at the New York Society of Ethical Culture.

Torture and Lies: Who Is Accountable? From Abu Ghraib to the Downing Street Minutes

New York City Town Hall Meeting
Saturday July 23, 2:00 to 4:00pm
New York Society for Ethical Culture 2 W. 64th St.
Admission is free--Contributions are encouraged. No RSVPs

Sponsored by The Nation and Democrats.com

Rep. Maurice Hinchey
Hon. Liz Holtzman
Randi Rhodes
Moderator: Bob Fertik, President of Democrats.com

Click here for updates and info.

AfterDowningStreet.org, a new and growing coalition of veterans' groups, peace groups, and political activist organizations working with Rep, John Conyers, has also organized hundreds of other events on July 23. Click here to see what's happening in your area.

In addition, Congressman Conyers' office has organized 105 house parties nationwide.

For more info on Democrats.com: http://www.democrats.com/

Read Liz Holtzman's recent Nation article outlining the case against senior administration officials for the abuses at Abu Ghraib.

Finally, check out http://www.thenation.com/ to post comments to our blogs, to view news-wire links updated twice each day, for info on nationwide activist campaigns, Nation History offerings and special weekly selections from The Nation magazine!

Best Regards,
Peter Rothberg, The Nation

I'm quite upset that I can't attend the New York event. I loves me some Randi Rhodes.

I think all of us in the BBA should dedicate our posts on that day to the DSMs. Let's not let the slightest scrap fall into the memory hole.

I'm also up for a house party! ;) Have I mentioned I'm an excellent bartender?

EDIT: Updated the blockquoted links to make them "clickable."

(Ev-reee-body wants to rule the cross-post...)

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