Did the Bush team put out misinformation on that crazy Tuesday to steer reporters away from John Roberts?Atrios responds:
We can't answer the question definitively because the journalists involved have a Matt Cooper problem -- they promised their sources anonymity, regardless of motive. But I can tell you that some of them are ticked and feeling misled.
I really missed the memo when we were told that journalists who promised confidentiality to their sources were obligated to maintain that confidentiality even after learning that they'd been lied to. This isn't about keeping promises, it's about maintaining access …Great idea. I extend the same offer, not that I think anyone with access to the White House reads this blog, lol.
Here's a deal - no need to lose your access. Feel free to email me your source, and I'll promise confidentiality.
But just in case there is, and you’re itching to bare your soul, expose the spin machine, and help take down the Bushies, let me know. I can keep a secret—and you’ll keep your access.
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